- 1.25kg-1.5kg/3-4lb boned salt silverside or brisket
- Ground black pepper
- Soft dark brown sugar
- 1 tbsp/15ml whole allspice berries
- 1 tbsp/15ml juniper berries
- 2 tsp/10ml whole cloves
Preparation time: 10 minutes plus standing
Cooking time: 3 hours 30 minutes – 4 hours 30 minutes
1. Soak the joint in cold water for 2-4 hours, changing the water once or twice. Cover the joint generously with pepper and cover thickly with sugar.
2. Crush the allspice and juniper berries between two spoons or grind in liquidiser and press into sugar. Make several incisions into meat with a sharp knife to allow spice flavour to get all the way through. Stick the cloves all over meat.
3. Wrap the beef in foil, place in an ovenproof dish, cover and leave at room temperature overnight.
4. Set oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1. Cook beef in centre of oven for 3 hours 30 minutes – 4 hours 30 minutes depending on size of the joint. If cooked, juices should run clear when pierced with a skewer. Pour off juices, seal foil and place a board and weights or heavy books on top and leave overnight. Store beef in the refrigerator wrapped in foil where it will keep for up to 2 weeks.