Spiced Rice with Chicken

  • 1.4kg/3lb oven ready chicken
  • 75ml/5tbsp vegetable oil
  • 175g/6oz onion, skinned and sliced
  • 15ml/3 level tsp ground coriander
  • 1.25ml/1/4 level tsp chilli powder
  • 2.5ml/1/2 level tsp ground turmeric
  • 2 141g/5oz carotns natural yoghurt
  • About 350ml/12fl oz chicken stock
  • Salt and milled pepper
  • Parsley sprigs to garnish

1. Carve off and cut up chicken flesh into fork size pieces discarding skin and bone. Using a flameproof casserole, brown well in the hot oil, half at a time. Remove from the fat and put aside.

2. In the residual fat lightly brown the onions, then stir in the remaining seven ingredients and season well. Bring mixture to the boil.

3. Replace the chicken, cover tightly and bake at 170C/325F/Gas 3 for about 35 minutes, or until the rice and chicken are tender and the liquid absorbed.

4. Turn the rice with a fork and garnish with parsley sprigs to serve